2014 Imatest™  / GAIN Training Course/ Seminar

Imatest 2014 訓練課程 及 產品發表會

8/26 Seminar (費用: 免費) 內容:

·                          Imatest  公司簡介
·                          Imatest 最新軟體 ,  chart 以及 IR 版應用
·                          Imatest 在產線自動控制上的應用
·                          新巧科技簡介
·                          Gain的產品介紹說明

8/27- 8/28 課程 (費用: 新台幣 18,000.00 未稅; 同公司兩人以上報名參加訓練課程 新台幣12,000.00/每人) 內容:

Students Will Learn How To:

·                          Measure key image quality factors using Imatest
·                          Understand and interpret Imatest output
·                          Avoid common mistakes in applying Imatest
·                          Select appropriate test charts
·                          Tailor Imatest options to target environments
·                          Assess overall image quality

Day 1

Part 1:  Imatest introduction

·                         Background/history

·                         Product lineup

·                         Basic image concepts

·                         Sharpness introduction

·                         Raw files & raw conversion

·                         Image quality factors 

Part 2:

·                         SFRplus demo

·                         The key module that measures a great many image quality factors

·                         Test Lab  Construction

·                         Settings stored in imatest.ini, used for controlling IT

·                         Summary of modules

Part 3:

·                         Common operations (workflow details)

o                              File selection

o                              Region (ROI) selection

o                              Dialog boxes

o                              Saving results

·                         Stepchart

o                              Veiling glare

·                         Dynamic range

o                              Measured in Stepchart (transmissive target)

o                              Post-processer (several reflective images) 

Part 4:

·                         Color check  - measures 24-patch X-Rite Colorchecker

·                         Multicharts – measures several standard color charts

·                         Distortion

·                         Uniformity (Light Falloff and Uniformity-Interactive)

·                         Blemish Detect 

Day 2

Part 5:  Sharpness measurements

·                         SFR (Slanted-edge Spatial Frequency Response)

·                         Batchview

·                         MTF Compare  Transfer functions & deconvolution

·                         Sharpening – Introduction and Standardized sharpening

·                         Slanted-edge algorithm – ISO-12233 and enhancements

·                         SQF – Subjective Quality Factor (Acutance) 

Part 6: Rescharts – Interface for interactive sharpness measurements

·                         SFR & SFRplus

·                         Star Chart (Siemens Star)

·                         Log Frequency

·                         Log F-Contrast

·                         Wedge

·                         Random – Dead leaves / Spilled coins (scale-invariant)

·                         Any scene sharpness 

Part 7: Imatest IT (Industrial Testing)

·                         EXE and DLL interfaces

·                         Performance enhancement

·                         Manufacturing test setup – preventing darkness and saturation

·                         Pass/fail spec INI configuration

·                         Parsing of outputs using JSON

Please Note:

  1. The presentation is also strongly geared toward answering questions from participants, either sent to Imatest in advance or asked in class.
  2. 參加兩天訓練課程者請自備筆記型電腦, 請先預裝 Imatest 軟體, 如尚未購買者歡迎到 Imatest網站 下載並安裝免費測試版!

如有問題請洽 Alex: a.lee@gain.com.tw

地點: 台北華國大飯店2F, ADD: 104台北市中山區林森北路600號, Tel: +886225965111


*全名 (姓名)

(*: 為必填資料)


Imatest 產品說明會 (免費參加 Date: 8月26日 13:00-16:00)
Imatest 訓練課程: 2 Days training course (Date: 8月27日 09:00-17:00, 8月28日 09:00- 17:00) 含午餐
   報名後本公司將寄發票給您, 方便您請款!

Copyright © 2014 Gain Lab Corp. All rights reserved. 
修訂日期: 18/07/14