Supreme COlour Physics Expert
全方位色彩管理最佳的解決方案 / 配色和色彩管理軟體配套系統
配色軟體![]() 由於變異的環境背景,紡織業面臨快速的及多樣化色彩種類的挑戰。Gain SCOPE是一個全新的色彩管理專家軟體,專為提供最佳生產效率而設計的軟體 。 Gain SCOPE是最有力的顏色管理視窗軟體,此軟體能夠廣泛的連結各種分光儀,提供全面深入的技巧,如色彩品質管理、色庫管理、配色、修色、顏色模擬設計與一個經驗豐富的專家相比,有過之而無不及。
真實色彩的模擬 ![]()
Gain SCOPE使用獨特科技來校正螢幕,並可以很準確地在不同光源下模擬多變的色彩,這樣的功能可以大輻度縮短樣品確認所需的時間及降低成本。 |
專家配色系統 |
此專家允/拒收功能的使用者依個別客戶需求而定義且依據商業偏差來做最佳的判斷、選擇。 |
色彩的持久/穩定/再現性和色彩表相在大量生產前,對單一樣品的顏色做色相變化的預側。 |
此系統應用CMC (1:c)整體色彩空間來做分色,還可確保同一批次的顏色,用於同一批次的成品,而不至於混用並儲存每一批次的歷史資料。儀器檢測功能確保使用的儀器保持在最佳狀態下運行。
所有的Gain SCOPE得到的配方可直接輸出至化驗室自動滴液系統 (Gain Dispenser),以達到最準確的實際樣品。
QC Version:
CIE Illuminants |
A、C、F2、F7、F11、D50、D55、D65、D75,U30,User defined |
Observers |
2°、10° |
Spectral data |
Reflectance,transmittance,K/S |
Spectral traceability |
Short,long term |
Colour specification |
CIE X,Y,Z,x,y,z, CIE L*a*b*c*h*,CIE L *u*v*, HunterLab ANLAB, OSALgl, Munsell |
VDU calibration /High fidelity colour display |
Colour difference formulas |
CIEL*a*b,CIEL *u*v*,HunterL,a,b, FMC-II, ANLAB JPC79,CMC(1:c),BFD(1:c),BFDA(1:c),CIE94(KL:KC) |
Expert tolerancing
Whiteness |
ASTM(E313)、Ganz Griesser、CIE、 Berger、 Harrison、Hunter、 Stephansen、Stansby、Taube |
Yellowness |
ASTM 1925、ASTM E313 |
Opacity |
Contrast ratio,TAPPI T519 |
Optical density |
Brightness |
TAPPI T525,%Z |
Colour constancy |
von Kries,BFD,CIE TC1.32,CIE L*a*b* |
Colour appearance |
Hunt 94,LLAB |
Colour strength |
Chromatic,Apparent,Unit price,Unit concentration |
Shade sorting |
555 CMC macro-space,555 L*a*b* |
Expert sorting-Multi-standard. |
Standard depth 1/1 (ISO 105-A06) |
Colour tastness |
staining( ISO 105-A04),colour change (ISO/TC 38/SC 1) |
Step dyeing |
process profile,dye absorption record |
Shade library |
Recipe list,batch record,manual creating/editing recipe |
Shade search |
Shade search according to colour difference and cost |
Graphics |
Spectral curve,Trend charts,Histograms (sorting), |
Colour difference (Sphere,Ellipsoid) |
Save to ASCII file |
Colour samples,All result files |
Full version
All features in QC version PLUS:
Dyestuff Calibration |
Surface correction factor,standard depth 1/1,graphics for R, K/S Vs. wavelength,K/S vs. concentration,CIE L*a*b* plot |
Matching |
Job queuing,matching,status indication,multi-standard input,Substrate,process and dye strength compensation, blends of crossstaining, dye classification, dye combination up to six |
Search Shade & Correction |
Output sorting |
Cost, Metamerism, Cost & Metamerism |
X,Y,Z match (giving Colour Constant indeed for second and third illuminants) |
True colour coded dyestuff list |
Manual Matching |
Computer starting point,percentage concentration Reduction/increase, fixed amount, fixed range prediction, save Recipe/synthesized reflectance,standard and match display,Dyestuff build-up diagram |
Expert Prediction System | Specifying area in colour space. auto-excluding abnormal dyeings, choice of lab/ production dyeing,cut-off date,machine number and Dyeing Process |
Correction | Auto locating recipes, laboratory and production correction,Exhaustion and Continuous dyeing,capability of fully use of waste colorants |
Re-dye using coloured Substrate |
Compatibility system:
Windows 2000 (with SP3 or above), Windows XP, Windows 7 (x86 version)